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About me

Key features include: glasses, books, face.

Once a mild-mannered media theorist, one day James got bored, taught himself to code and transformed into a computational sociologist. It only hurt a little bit

I have a background in studying digital cultures, media theory and the intersection of society and technology. These days I spend much of my research time either...

  1. Building software tools to extract new and interesting datasets, and custom analysis tools to explore them.
  2. Studying illicit and extremist online cultures.

You can read more about my research as it happens via the blog.

I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and The Higher Education Academy.

Human information

If I'm not doing any of the above I like to spend my time with Sim/strategy games, watching kids films with my kids, and reading cosmic horror because ultimately reality is a vast indifferent force to which humans mean nothing.

I also like rabbits.